
Crystals have been utilised by mankind for thousands of years and loving them is not hard to do. We admire their looks, colours and shapes, also crystals can be an invaluable tool in our life’s journey. Let me help you find the perfect crystal for you.

The Aura-Soma Light Beamer Pen

The Aura-Soma Light Beamer Pen

“You are the colours you choose, and they reflect your being needs”

Experience the power of colours and the Aura-Soma system at a deep level with the Aura-Soma Light Beamer Pen; the “Self-Selective” and “Non-Intrusive” core principles of Aura-Soma are also applied to this modality, leaving you empowered by your healing process.

 “Harnessing the vibrational powers of Mother Nature, Aura‑Soma is a system of colour, plant and crystal energies that enhance happiness and vitality. Every aspect of the process of creating Aura‑Soma products is infused with love and beneficial intention.

Created using the highest quality organic and biodynamic ingredients, we now have over 200 wellness combinations and options available.”

 Aura‑Soma brings you closer to self‑understanding.

An Aura-Soma Light Beamer Pen Session

 Trusting your intuition is the first step in finding balance and well-being within yourself; choosing colours and colour combinations that you feel drawn to is the best way to provide yourself with what you need at any given moment, and this is how a session starts.

 During the session, the colours you are drawn to and their complimentary are applied to your energy field through light projection into the light bodies: the astral, etheric and physical bodies are stimulated according to your needs.

 Integrating concepts from Traditional Chinese Medicine – Acupressure Points and Meridians – and the Indian tradition of the Chakra System, the session is catered around Chakra Balancing, Meridian Flush, Master Spirit Points, and also an opportunity to Re-Connect with your Higher Self and bring you back to balance in the Here And Now.

Chakra Balancing Session

 The aim of the session is to balance our major energy centres, the chakras; based on your colour selection, we might be focusing on one or two chakras, restoring the balance to your energy system.

 Duration: 1 hour

Cost: $125

Here and Now Session

 Working on four major Acupressure Points (Spleen and Lungs) and the Chakra that relates the most with your colour selection, this session aims to restore balance, focusing on the present moment. This session facilitates the ability of the light body to regulate our emotions by bringing us back into the present moment.

 Duration: 1 hour

Cost: $125

 Master Spirit Point Session

 Working with Acupressure Points located on our back (Bladder Meridian), this session aims to restore our Blueprint, the energetic imprinting that we have developed since conception, where, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the five different Spirits entered our body, creating our Essence.

 Duration: 1 hour

Cost: $125

 Meridian Stroking Session

This session aims to restore the energy flow in our body. The meridians, the energy pathways underneath the skin, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, are an expression of the quality of our wellbeing. Physical, emotional and spiritual aspects contribute to a proper flow of the energy in the body.

 Duration: 1 hour

Cost: $125

 Reconnecting with our Potential and Gift session

This powerful session stimulates our True Aura. Bringing awareness to our deepest purpose brings clarity and increases our sense of connection. This is a very powerful session, and it is recommended for those who have had experience with the Aura-Soma Equilibrium Bottles before.

 Duration: 1 hour

Cost: $125

 The Light Beamer Pen Journey

Because of the “Self-selective” and “Non-intrusive” quality of the Aura-Soma system, each session is different and will cater to your colour selection and needs.

If you are inclined to undertake a deeper journey with the energy of colours and the Aura-Soma system, you can experience each session as part of a package. In your own time – recommended every two weeks – you will be able to experience all the different sessions, allowing you to attain a deeper level of self-understanding.

 Duration: 5 sessions of one hour each.

Total Cost: $490

Ynot Crystal Team: Meet Robyn

Ynot Crystal Team: Meet Robyn

The Cellular Meditation Process

The Cellular Meditation Process