
Crystals have been utilised by mankind for thousands of years and loving them is not hard to do. We admire their looks, colours and shapes, also crystals can be an invaluable tool in our life’s journey. Let me help you find the perfect crystal for you.

How it all started...

How it all started...

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.” ~ Steve Jobs


The journey towards inner peace is unique for everyone.
For some, it's a smooth road while for others, it's a bumpy, frightening ride.
How does one negotiate the journey and find joy in everyday life?
This book is the result of many life travellers who share their stories about their quests to connect to the Light within.

About the Author
The Universal Conscious Community is a group of more than 50 authors, some established, and some debuting writers. All of them bought together by their love for writing, the ability to reflect on their transformational journeys and willingness to share learnings along the way.

Ynot Crystals Team: Meet Jo...

Ynot Crystals Team: Meet Jo...

Crystal Intelligence: My Love Relationship with Crystals.

Crystal Intelligence: My Love Relationship with Crystals.